A very gentle yet deep yoga technique, Padma Sadhana, is experiencing meditation through asanas (yoga postures). The entire Padma Sadhana sequence is 40-minute long, which includes 10 minutes of yoga postures, 5 minutes of pranayama (breathing technique), 20 minutes of meditation, again followed by 5 minutes of pranayama. The yoga postures in Padma Sadhana flow into each other, with each yoga pose complementing the preceding one. When done correctly, Padma Sadhana stretches the body and prepares the mind for meditation. In fact, each yoga posture in the Padma Sadhana sequence becomes a meditative experience by itself.
一个非常温和但非常深层的瑜伽技巧–莲花修持法是透过体位法经验静心. 整个莲花修持法系列为40分钟长, 其中包括10分钟的瑜伽姿势, 5分钟的调息(呼吸技术), 20分钟的静心再接著5分钟的调息. 瑜伽姿势在莲花修持法从一式流入另一式, 每个瑜伽姿势补强前一式. 当正确地做, 莲花修持法舒展身体及准备心智到静心的状态. 事实上莲花修持法的每个瑜伽姿势本身都是种静心体验.
Just as it is important to know how to do Padma Sadhana (move the body into yoga postures). It is also important to practice Padma Sadhana with the right attitude, the right feeling.
知道如何做莲花修持法是重要的(身体在瑜伽姿势的移动). 用正确的态度, 正确的感觉来练习莲花修持法也是很重要的.
Follow the five tips and make your Padma Sadhana experience blissful, deep and meditative.
遵循五秘诀, 让你的莲花修持法经验至福, 深沉及静心.
#1 Keep the body stable
When you get into any posture for Padma Sadhana, ensure that you are not very unsteady or uncomfortable. Meditation happens when the body is at ease. The Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Sthira Sukham Asanam, gives prime importance to both stability and comfort while doing your asanas (sthira=stable; sukham=comfort).
当你进入莲花修持法的任何一式, 确保你没有非常不稳定或不舒服. 当身体放松时, 静心就会发生. 巴坦加利瑜伽经说: Sthira Sukham Asanam–在做体位法时, 稳定性及舒适性都非常重要 (sthira=稳定; sukham=舒适).
If your body is shaky in a particular posture, it means you are overdoing. Find a position that is stable and comfortable for you.
如果你的身体在某一特定的姿势中摇晃, 那意味著你做太过了. 找到一个稳定舒适的位置.
#2 Be aware of what is happening
觉知正在发生的一切. 一旦你在瑜伽姿势中达到了稳定, 就进入下一阶段–觉知
Once you have attained stability in the yoga posture, move on to the next level – awareness.
Simply being stable in a yoga pose can either bring dullness or make the mind wander. For instance, in Shavasana (Corpse Pose), you can be stable in the position but what if you go off to sleep? Or you start forming a chain of thoughts in your mind?
简单地在瑜伽式中保持稳定, 要么会带来迟钝, 要么会使心智神游. 例如在大休息式, 你可以稳定在姿势中但如果却睡著了? 或者你开始在心智中形成一连串的想法?
Yoga is doing the yoga postures with the awareness that ‘I am doing the stretch, my breath is moving in and out, my heart is beating, my thoughts are coming and going.’ This doesn’t mean that one keeps thinking – I am doing this stretch and my heart is beating. It simply means drawing your attention to this and then letting go of the thought. When the mind experiences this state of awareness, being totally in the present moment, it slips into meditation.
瑜伽是带着觉知: ‘我正在做伸展, 我的呼吸在进出, 我的心在跳动, 我的想法来来去去’做瑜伽姿势. 这并不意味著你一直在想–我正在做这伸展及我的心在跳著. 它只是意味着将注意力带到这, 然后放下那想法. 当心智体验到这意识状态, 完全地处于当下, 它就进入静心.
#3 Let the yoga poses flow gracefully like a dance
The whole beauty of Padma Sadhana lies in the graceful manner in which it is carried out. You may be totally aware of the movement but you may just be doing it mechanically like a robot. Moreover, there are chances of injuring yourself while doing a stretch with a jerk or with stiffness. With awareness, you can bring grace in your postures. Do them very gently, coordinating each body movement with the rhythm of breath consciously. Moreover, doing yoga poses gracefully with a smile relaxes the mind.
莲花修持法的美在于它优雅的进行方式. 你可能完全知道这流动, 但你可能只是像机器人般机械式的做它. 且当进行挺举或僵硬的伸展, 是很有机会受伤. 有了觉知, 你就能替姿势带来优雅. 带著意识非常柔和地, 以呼吸节奏协调每个身体活动进行莲花修持法. 此外带着微笑优雅地做瑜伽姿势能使心智放松
#4 Strive to develop perfection
Simply being graceful in your movements, even though you don’t get them right, again doesn’t help. You need to perfect your yoga posture too. Again, with awareness you are able to identify if you are doing a posture gracefully but not being able to stretch more than a point to get the asana right. This becomes possible with regular practice and a bit of effort.
只是优雅的动作, 但却没有正确的执行, 再次也没有帮助. 你也需要完善你的瑜伽姿势. 再次带着意识, 你能定义你是否优雅地进入姿势, 而不过度伸展以获得正确的体式. 透过规律练习及少许的努力是可能达到的.
Take for example the Bow Pose (Dhanurasana). If you find it difficult to hold that pose for long, keep practicing daily and you will notice the posture becoming effortless and more graceful over the days.
以弓式为例(Dhanurasana). 如果你发现很难保持这姿势很久的时间, 坚持每天练习, 假以时日你会注意到姿式变得不费力及更优雅
#5 Go beyond the body 超越这身体
Padma means lotus. Just as a lotus blossoms, one’s potential can also expand with the practice of Padma Sadhana.
Padma意指莲花. 如同莲花般盛开, 一个人的潜能也可以随着莲花修持法的练习而扩展
How does this happen? Certainly all the four tips above contribute – yet the real secret is this: go beyond the body.
这是如何发生的? 当然以上四条建议都是有贡献的–但真正的秘诀是: 超越这身体
All of us want to achieve that perfect posture and would be satisfied if we could do a series absolutely perfectly. But you’re a yogi! As a yogi, you know it is not wise to get stuck at the perfection level of the asana – go beyond and observe what is happening inside of you. Are you experiencing the true essence of yoga: the union of the body, mind and spirit?
我们所有人都想达到完美的姿势, 且满足于极致完美地完成一系列动作. 但你是个瑜伽行者! 身为个瑜伽行者, 你知道陷在完美的体位法是不明智的 – 超越并观照正发生于你内在的一切. 你是否正在体验瑜伽的真谛: 身体, 心智及灵性的结合?
Yoga practice is not a substitute for medicine. Please consult a doctor before practicing yoga postures. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Sri Sri Yoga teacher.
瑜伽练习不是医学的替代品. 在练习瑜伽体位法前请谘询医生. 在训练有素的诗丽诗丽瑜伽老师的监督下, 学习和练习瑜伽姿势是很重要的