你有没有观察到每时每刻你的心智都在发生着什么? 它在过去和未来之间摇摆不定。它要么在过去被已经发生的事情占据,要么在未来思考你必须做的事情。 知识就是意识到这种心理现象——当你在读这篇文章时,你的心中正在想着什么。信息可以通过阅读书籍或浏览互联网来获得,你可以打开一本任何主题的书,比如如何减肥,如何准备面试,成功等等。关于无数主题的书籍数不胜数,但对自己心智的认识不可能从一本书中获得。
The mind always wants something impossible
There is a story about Mullah Nasruddin. Mullah was in love with a very beautiful girl, but he decided to marry somebody else. Someone asked him what happened. Why did…
静心可以让你享有这一切,甚至更多。静心为你的身体、心智与心灵带来不计其数的好处。你在静心中获得的休息远比最深沉的睡眠还要深。你的休息越深沉,你就越有活力。 静心有两大好处:静心防止压力进入体内系统
Story of two gate keepers
Story of two gate keepers who did not allow few devotees to see GOD There is a beautiful story in the Puranas. It’s a mythological story. In the abode of…
Why do we seek attention and how to overcome it?
After food and sleep, what kids are really looking for is attention. They will be playing at home, but the moment some guest comes, and the parents start talking to…
净化呼吸法在1980年于印度希莫加(Shimoga)市,当世界各地人道主义者和精神领袖的古儒吉进入十天的静默时诞生。 「当时我已经走遍了全世界教授瑜伽和静心。但我还在想该怎样帮助人们快乐地生活。 我觉得还缺了点什么。虽然人们在做灵修练习,但当他们回到现实生活里时生命就进入框框内了,变成了非常不同的人。
Are we slaves of our mind?
Three things affect our mind Time The Company we keep The Food we eat Our body changes with time. Time also has an impact on the mind. The state of…
21 Days Meditation Challenge
The global pandemic has made 2020 challenging for many of us. However, through Breath, you can learn how to reduce stress and turn around the days to come. The Art…
Ways to be Successful and Stress free in Corporate world
As times are getting tougher in the corporate world, many are feeling the pinch. Stress impacts the way we think, feel and behave, thus affecting all aspects of our life.